Arsenic in Baby Food with Charlotte Brody, RN and Jane Houlihan
- WHY heavy metals end up in our food supply to begin with…and why buying organic does not erase the problem
- WHICH foods have higher heavy metal concentrations…and why simple steps like removing the skin from sweet potatoes can help cut exposure for your baby
- HOW to prepare foods to lower risk for your baby…boiling rice like it's pasta in lots of cooking water, choosing baby spinach over bigger pieces and more tips for making your baby's food safe
You can’t “buy your way out” of the heavy metal in baby food conversation. Heavy metals like lead, arsenic, cadmium and mercury are present in whole foods that we modify for baby-led weaning.
In this episode I’m interviewing Charlotte Brody, RN and Jane Houlihan from Healthy Babies Bright Futures (HBBF). Their landmark 2019 study “What’s in My Baby’s Food?” found that 95% of baby foods tested contained toxic chemicals that lower babies’ IQ, including arsenic and lead.
Charlotte Brody is the HBBF National Director and Jane Houlihan is the HBBF Research Director and in this interview they are explaining:
WHY heavy metals end up in our food supply to begin with…and why buying organic does not erase the problem
WHICH foods have higher heavy metal concentrations…and why simple steps like removing the skin from sweet potatoes can help cut exposure for your baby
HOW to prepare foods to lower risk for your baby…boiling rice like it’s pasta in lots of cooking water, choosing baby spinach over bigger pieces and more tips for making your baby’s food safe
In this episode I’m interviewing Charlotte Brody, RN and Jane Houlihan who discuss:
WHY heavy metals end up in our food supply to begin with…and why buying organic does not erase the problem
WHICH foods have higher heavy metal concentrations…and why simple steps like removing the skin from sweet potatoes can help cut exposure for your baby
HOW to prepare foods to lower risk for your baby…boiling rice like it’s pasta in lots of cooking water, choosing baby spinach over bigger pieces and more tips for making your baby’s food safe
Charlotte Brody, RN
National Director of Healthy Babies Bright Futures
Charlotte is a registered nurse and the mother of two sons.
She has led a Planned Parenthood affiliate and been among the founders of the Brown Lung Association, Health Care Without Harm, the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, Green for All and Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families.
Jane Houlihan
Research Director of Healthy Babies Bright Futures
Jane directs research and science communication programs for non-profit organizations.
She leads research programs on biomonitoring, drinking water, and healthy food.
To learn more about the work that Healthy Babies Bright Futures does:
Visit webpage:
Read more on heavy metals in baby food and better food choices for babies:
2019 Report: What’s in my baby’s food?
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Grab my free download called 10 EASY STARTER FOODS FOR BABY-LED WEANING - sometimes just getting the confidence to get going will help you realize your baby CAN and WANTS to do this self-feeding thing! < < CLICK HERE FOR THE 10 STARTER FOODS DOWNLOAD > >
REGISTER for my free online workshop BABY-LED WEANING FOR BEGINNERS: How to get your baby to try 100 foods before turning 1 without you having to spoon-feed purees or buy pouches. Everyone on the workshop gets a copy of my 100 FIRST FOODS list so you’ll know exactly what foods babies CAN eat when they’re ready for BLW! Register for this week’s workshop times here.
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