
Why This Mom Decided to do BLW After Spoon-Feeding Her First 3 with Arlene Peck

  • How things have changed in the infant feeding space since Arlene had her first baby 14 years ago
  • Why she decided to give baby-led weaning a chance this time around
  • What foods she is growing on her home farm that she is excited to see Jacob try for the first time


Can you imagine an 8 ½ year gap between your 3rd and 4th babies? My friend Arlene Peck did just that…and as soon as she found out she was pregnant, Arlene 100% on board wanting to do baby-led weaning. Now Jacob is 6 months old, sitting on his own and she’s about to start his 100 FIRST FOODS with baby-led weaning journey. Listen in as we learn from a mom who did not do BLW with her first 3, but is sharing her before and after concerns, comments and insight during day 1 of baby-led weaning with her 4th baby Jacob.


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SUMMARY of episode

In this episode we’re talking:

  • How things have changed in the infant feeding space since Arlene had her first baby 14 years ago

  • Why she decided to give baby-led weaning a chance this time around

  • What foods she is growing on her home farm that she is excited to see Jacob try for the first time

ABOUT the guest

  • Arlene Peck is a mom of 4 and first time baby-led weaning mom

  • Her son Jacob is 8 ½ years younger than her 3rd child

  • She’s interested in using BLW to reduce picky eating later in life & to possibly expand her older kids’ palates


TRANSCRIPT of episode

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