
6-7 Months Old Babies: Sample BLW Feeding Schedule

  • Why there is no WRONG way to schedule your baby's solid food feeds (...but some suggestions about why we avoid doing potentially allergenic foods later in the day)
  • 4 moms share their current BLW schedule for organizing solid food in between milk feeds for babies who are 6 and 7 months of age


What feeding schedule should my 6-7 month old baby be on if we just started solid foods? How many times a day should I try food...am I doing it too much? Or too little? In this episode we’re looking at some baby-led weaning scheduling ideas for babies who are 6-7 months old. I’m being joined by 4 moms of babies who are 6 and 7 months old and are sharing their current feeding schedule to hopefully give YOU some ideas!


SUMMARY of episode

In this episode we’re talking about:

  • Why there is no WRONG way to schedule your baby’s solid food feeds (...but some suggestions about why we avoid doing potentially allergenic foods later in the day)

  • 4 moms share their current BLW schedule for organizing solid food in between milk feeds for babies who are 6 and 7 months of age

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