
Baby Has Skin Reactions to Milk, Egg and Peanut: What Should I Do Next? with Carina Venter, PhD, RDN

In this episode we’re talking about:

  • Why babies get skin reactions to food and atopic dermatitis vs. signs and symptoms of food allergy in infancy
  • How supplementation with cod liver oil vs. omega-3 fatty acids differs for babies with severe eczema
  • What parents should do if their babies have an allergic reaction to peanut, milk or egg on the skin


What if your baby tries a new food and then gets a rash on their face? Or what if you’re doing one of the allergenic foods early on in infant feeding, let’s say cow’s milk, egg or peanut to name the 3 most common pediatric food allergies…and baby gets hives - but the baby isn’t in distress or showing any of the other signs of allergic reaction and the skin stuff goes away on its own…do you introduce that food again to your baby?

Do you do it at home? Or do you need to see an allergist? Or what about even testing for food allergies in babies - some doctors say wait until 1, but others test right away. I’m interviewing Carina Venter, PhD, RD - a global expert on infant feeding and pediatric allergies. We’re tracking one case study in this interview: a baby with severe eczema who had reactions (skin only) to milk, egg and peanut - and what should the family do next?


  • Carina Venter, PhD, RD is a noted pediatric allergy dietitian, researcher and expert

  • She is on the European Academy of Allergy & Clinical Immunology (EAACI) Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis committee that just published new guidelines for infants & young children


In this episode we’re talking about:

  • Why babies get skin reactions to food and atopic dermatitis vs. signs and symptoms of food allergy in infancy

  • How supplementation with cod liver oil vs. omega-3 fatty acids differs for babies with severe eczema

  • What parents should do if their babies have an allergic reaction to peanut, milk or egg on the skin

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