
8-9 Months Old Babies: Sample BLW Schedule

  • How Phase 2 of baby-led weaning (the 2nd 8 weeks of BLW) leads you right into the golden age of BLW: it is GOING to click for your baby in this phase, just wait for it!
  • Why it's probably time to consider dropping a milk feed and how that can help increase interest in food and participation in feeding at mealtimes for your baby
  • How often 8 months old and 9 month old babies should eat.


How often should babies who are 8-9 months old eat? And what foods should they be eating? Is it time to drop a milk feed yet? Inside of this episode I’m joined by 5 moms of babies who are 8-9 months old and they’re sharing their current baby-led weaning feeding schedules. Some are struggling, some are succeeding, but all are doing a great job leaning into their baby’s ability to self-feed...and I hope you can glean some insight on possible schedule setups for YOUR 8-9 month old baby from this episode.


SUMMARY of episode

In this episode we’re talking about:

  • How Phase 2 of baby-led weaning (the 2nd 8 weeks of BLW) leads you right into the golden age of BLW: it is GOING to click for your baby in this phase, just wait for it!

  • Why it’s probably time to consider dropping a milk feed and how that can help increase interest in food and participation in feeding at mealtimes for your baby

  • How often 8 months old and 9 month old babies should eat.

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TRANSCRIPT of episode


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