Why are False Positive Results in Food Allergy Testing so Common? with David Stukus, MD
- Why food allergy tests are so routinely over-ordered (...spoiler alert: it's all about money in food allergy testing and you're the one losing out!)
- What to do if your baby has an allergic reaction to 1 food and your pediatrician recommends a panel of tests (...”RUN!” is his sage advice)
- How families can do oral food challenges to introduce potentially allergenic foods to their baby...and why that is a way more reliable test than blood or skin tests
Did you know that up to 50% of positive food allergy test results are false positives? Parents are ALREADY anxious about introducing allergenic foods and widespread testing when not indicated is making anxiety worse.
In this episode, leading allergist Dr. David Stukus is bringing us the TRUTH about food allergy testing: why it’s so rampant, why in most cases it’s not indicated and why FOOD and in-home oral food challenges are the best bet for “testing” whether or not your baby is allergic to a food.
SUMMARY of episode
In this episode I’m joined by David Stukus, MD, leading allergist and the Director of the Food Allergy Treatment Center at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Dr. Stukus (“...rhymes with mucous” 😉) is talking about:
Why food allergy tests are so routinely over-ordered (...spoiler alert: it’s all about money in food allergy testing and you’re the one losing out!)
What to do if your baby has an allergic reaction to 1 food and your pediatrician recommends a panel of tests (...”RUN!” is his sage advice)
How families can do oral food challenges to introduce potentially allergenic foods to their baby...and why that is a way more reliable test than blood or skin tests
LINKS from episode
Follow Dr. Stukus on Instagram and Twitter @allergykidsdoc
Dr. Stukus is the Director of Nationwide Children’s Food Allergy Treatment Center
He’s also the host of AAAAI’s podcast “Conversations from the World of Allergy”
I'm hosting a FREE online food allergen workshop this week!. Click the link to check it out.
TRANSCRIPT of episode
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FOLLOW Katie’s baby-led weaning Instagram page @babyledweanteam for daily video trainings - lots of great info on interpreting your baby’s feeding behaviors here too!
SIGN UP for Katie’s free online workshop “BABY-LED WEANING FOR BEGINNERS: How to get your baby to try 100 foods before turning 1 without you having to spoon-feed purees or buy pouches” - everyone on the free workshop gets a copy of the 100 FIRST FOODS LIST so you can focus on trying new foods that your baby CAN and WANTS to self-feed (...and what they can drink too!) Sign up for this week’s workshop times.
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